We recently had the pleasure of sharing a day with Hélène and Pierre to discover the daily life of this funny and charming couple. Faithful users of ErgoConcept solutions, they agreed to open their home doors and let us film their usual activities (buying bread, using the elevator, taking the car…). A unique opportunity to better understand the problems encountered by a person with reduced mobility and its caregiver.

Ergo 08L: the practical wheelchair at home and outdoors

From the beginning of the day, we noticed that Pierre had acquired unparalleled dexterity in mastering his Ergo 08L chair. Able to go into every corner of his apartment, he doesn’t hesitate to go shopping alone and can move around his neighbourhood independently. For her part, Hélène, delighted to be able to count on her husband’s help on a daily basis, also assists him with a great deal of ease (opening the wheelchair, installing accessories, car transport, transfers…).

At the end of the morning, the couple left by car for a walk in the Confluence district of Lyon. Their complicity was really palpable. After having lunch together on the terrace, they took the Vaporetto river shuttle to Bellecour, and then the metro and tram to get back to their car. We had a great time and laughed a lot in their pleasant company.

Video: A day in Ergo 08L